Friday 24 September 2010


Happy Friday!

Today I...

... plan to.. have a girlie night out with dinner and drinks in town with my Mum and her friend who are visiting

... wish… it wasn’t raining

... feel.. grateful that my mother can come over and visit with short notice and making it possible for Bear and I to travel

... have been seriously... thinking we made the cot to bed switch too early but am now very hopeful after a successful night last night

... have been…. looking for a specialist cleaner for my long sheepskin coat

... am wearing… a top with puffer sleeves, kilt- like shorts and over the knee boots

... listening to... this it’s weekend!

... fought the urge to… buy muffin at Starbucks with Mum and Jessica

... am happy… that I finally had a very much needed haircut yesterday

... can't wait… for mine and Bear’s baby free trip to Amsterdam next week

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