Saturday 27 November 2010

Happy 2nd birthday, Sean!

My jewel, now two, whom I love unconditionally

It feels like it was only yesterday I was getting my IV’s hooked up, my stomach monitors working and the epidural going.
Nearly seventeen hours after arriving at the Lindo Wing, I gave birth to the most handsome, cool , helpful, funny, inquisitive and loving little fella, Sean Alexander. (Read my full birth story here).

Nothing, and I really mean NOTHING, could/would have prepared me for the amazing feeling I would have while giving birth to him.

The amount of overflowing love I would have for this little person that had been growing inside me for nine months is simply incredible. Such a wonderful feeling. And boy, he was so tiny, and so perfect. And I was so happy!

Yes, that’s right – TWO whole years have gone by since then. And in these two years he has developed from a helpless newborn to a walking, talking child with a personality all of his own.

We will celebrate my darling baby boy’s second birthday in style, in a joint party with Bear’s mother who is turning 70. In Scotland. And I’m running late. Sean and Bear are already up there.. I’ve got a flight to catch. See you later, Ive got to rush to see my boys!



  1. Grattis till den finaste killen från mormor som längtar sååå

  2. Happy birthday sean! Ur such a handsome little boy. Al the best

  3. Grattis så mye med dagen store gutten =) Ha en kjempe flott dag, og håper du får alt du ønsker deg.


  4. Stor grattis i efterskott fran oss med! Hoppas ni hade det mysigt!

  5. To all;
    Many thanks for Sean's birthday wishes :-)
    Unfortunately he fell ill on his birthday whilst in Scotland for the party. However; Mum and Dad still had a jolly good time,lol

