Monday 8 November 2010

Just another list

All geared up in warm knitwear, scarves, gloves and ear muffs, in chilly London yesterday

1. Thought for the day... 47 days until Christmas!

2. Yesterday I... bought a hooded top at Gap for Sean, spent ages lusting for clothes on Selfridges 2nd floor, bought groceries at M&S food shop in Marble Arch, dressed up warm and went for a long walk around Regents Park with Dad, Erik and my little man, cooked lentil soup, watched X-factor, arranged for a cleaner to come next week and clean our blinds in every room.

3. Wishing I the new Apple MacBook Air,

4. Currently enjoying... watching my son learning new words daily, Capital Gold digital radio station that only plays 60s,70s and 80s (so nice with no current songs playing for a change!), preparing and organising for x-mas, wearing warm Ugg-like slippers, reading tweets and looking for new people to follow, Starbucks gingerbread lattes and my nearly finished Jo Malone travel candle.

5. One thing I plan to do this week... go bowling with Bear on Wednesday as part of our 'Midweek quality time'-plan

6. Spent too much time lately on... watching the first two seasons of the American tv-series "Hung".

7. Last movie I watched... Julie and Julia, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
8. I am very grateful...that Sean's sleeping pattern is improving every day + it appears thoses long dreaded nights when he was up every hour, is now gone :-)

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