Thursday 11 November 2010

On a rainy day

Today Sean isn't at nursery and that usually means I take him outside to the park or the the playground. Unfortunately the weather is not conductive for outside play today so we have to turn a soggy and wet day into a fun-filled, indoor experience, starting to do a puzzle :-)

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  1. First visit to your blog, och jag gillar den skarpt! Bra jobbat! Sanna

  2. Wow sean, you have grown so much. Adorable as ever! Is it his bday soon? I have nw followed ur blog and lil seans life for nerly two yrs. Amazing hw time fliesomo

  3. Sanna; Tack! Vad roligt att du gillar min blogg :)

    Caroline; Thank you for being such a loyal follower! :-)
    And yes, Seany's bday is coming up v soon, 27th November, which we will celebrate in Scotland.
