Tuesday 4 January 2011

Macbook Pro

I've just made a chicken salad (with slices of cooked chicken breast, crispy bacon, green beans, tomatoes, green peas, quinoa and spinach) to have for lunch, and whilst Sean is napping I will now sit down and try to get familiar with my Macbook Pro (15 inch) that Bear got me for Xmas. As I am completely new to Mac, all tips are gratefully received!


  1. Good Luck!

    As a seasoned PC user, I am useless with MAC. I guess it will tak eyou a while before you get your head around it!

    Happy New Year!

  2. I am actually not finding as hard as I thought I would, although I have my swearing moment, lol Happy New Year to you too :-)

  3. Jag hjalper garna till med fragor! jag ar gammal apple pensionar numera :)

  4. Veronica; Tack snalla du. Jag kommer verkligen ha det i atanken!!:-)
