Monday 31 January 2011

Our weekend in pics

We always let Sean out of his pram in the park, where he can run freely without having to worry about the London traffic and simultsaneously get some exercise

We stopped by the bridge to feed the ducks below
Watching new favourite; 1930's "Three Little Pigs"

Father and son went swimming whilst Mummy looked on

Higher, Daddy, higher! (spot the huge aquarium in the background)

At the casual child friendly restaurant at Stoke Park.
-It takes real focus for a two year old to put his chicken nugget on to the fork :-)


  1. Så koselig helg, var et fantastisk bra bilde når Bear kaster baby Bear høyt oppi lufta i bassenget. =)

  2. Roligt att hitta en ny blogg att följa. Har lagt till din fina blogg på min lilla blogglista - Svenskar på vift (

  3. LadyE;Tack! det ar min favorit bild ocksa! :-)

    Anna - Valkommen hit! Vad kul med en ny lasare. Och tack for att du lankat hit. Nu ska jag kika in hos dig!

