Saturday 19 March 2011

Le Bel Air Mountain Restaurant

Yesterday I took Sean and Mum in the gondola lift up to Le Bel Air Restaurant where we met up with Bear who had booked an outdoor table for us during the very busy lunch hours.

Its really such a great mountain restaurant with a fabulous south-facing three-tiered terrace and with breath taking views over the Courchevel valley.

On a sunny day like it was, its a beautiful spot for a long lunch with some alcoholic beverages (or to nurse an existing hangover), sunbathing and watch the skiers go by.

The service there is excellent and its at the best location for non skiers like Mum and Sean, as it can be reached by foot from the gondola lift's arrival point. Need I say we stayed there for a very long time?! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hejhej! :) Trevligt att du klickade dig till min blogg, tänkte att jag helt enkelt får göra detsamma ;)Kul att du också bor i UK med en skotte till man :D Är inte livet i UK så mycket bättre? Har vart på långvistelse i Sverige i ca 3 månader och håller på att gå under av hemlängtan :D Kramar!
