Monday 16 May 2011

Kiddies party

Yesterday we went to one of Sean's class mate's birthday party. They had hired an entertainer and a party planner company that had turned their home in to a kid's play haven. Sean had his face painted as a tiger and was mesmerised by all the fairy dolls there whilst mummy and daddy got to know the other parents.


  1. Stella would have thought she ended up at Pixi Hollow with all the Tinker Bells! Looks great!! BTW, we moving to Switzerland this summer;) Europe bound!

  2. Yes, the girls there were simply mesmerised by the Tinker Bells, lol.
    Wow, Switzerland, eh? Big move. Time to brush up on your French I'm guessing! ;-) Btw, is it permanently? x

  3. Yes, my husband will work out of there, however the German part ... jisses! My German is rather rusty! Fun times though and I look forward to be closer to home!
