Friday 24 June 2011

Happy Midsummer!

Sean celebrating Midsummer here in London 2009, only 7 months old

In Sweden we celebrate Midsummer, an extremely popular holiday, today - Its a from what I gather a pagan celebration of the Summer solstice, which was associated with fertility and farming, although these days, the Swedes and the other Nordic countries celebrate for I suppose the tradition, and of course just for the sake of celebration LOL

So today, I really miss my family back home today, and wish I could be there with them and join in the celebration.
Imagine dying to eat traditional Swedish food (pickled herring etc), dress a maypole, dance around it and drink and sing all night long. Sounds crazy, eh? But ask any Swede and they will no doubt agree with me! Have a fab weekend and enjoy the warm weather that'll arrive in the capital tomorrow :-)

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