Thursday 23 June 2011

Wednesdays = quality time

As part of our midweek quality time-plan, Bear and I take Sean to nursery every Wednesday morning for an 8am drop off. Here you see Bear leaving the nursery premises in Connaught Village, yesterday morning

We then went to The Portman for  breakfast (becoming routine now lol)

 They do a very nice cooked brekkie with no grease at all, and only use organic free range products.  I chose poached eggs with my bacon, sausages and mushroom.

  On our way to view a couple of town houses and one mews house for sale in Marlyebone as we are planning to expand in the near future. 


  1. Så spendene med huskjøp planer. Håper dere finner drømme hjemmet =)

  2. CarolineEiLondon23 June 2011 at 19:26

    You are glowing, looking stunning!

  3. How great to be house hunting. Hope you will find a nice place soon. Looking forward to see where you'll end up. Location location location ;)

  4. Lady E; Ja, verkligen jatte spannande, men samtidigt sa ar det lite stressigt ocksa. Daremot behover vi inte flytta nu, sa vi har gott om tid pa oss att hitta drom huset :-)

    Caroline E: Many thanks! How terribly sweet of you to say that :-)

    Anon; Yes it's a very exciting time but simultaneously its slightly stressful. Especially when seeing how little of a house you get for your money here in central London, as we now have decided to not move further out just yet.
    And you're right, it's all about location. I refuse to compromise. I'd much rather live in a smaller place in the perfect spot as opposed to bigger one in an area I am not too keen on. Fingers crossed! :-)

  5. Oj vad spännande. Är helt såld på alla brittiska husjaktsprogram som går på svensk TV. Kommer med spänning följa eran jakt också! Lycka Till :)!

  6. Jenny; Tack! Jag alskar ocksa alla dessa program, da det ar sa spannade att se andras hus, bade utanpa och innuti och framforallt kan man ju inspireras lite, vilket man behover ibland nar man gar in i en hus-visnings svacka..
