Wednesday 28 September 2011

Last minute shopping

Final touches for the flat before guests starts arriving includes long stemmed white Hydrangeas and candles from Diptyque

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  1. cat - i got eyelashes done for my wee sis's wedding. they were truly fab and now my own seem somewhat lacking in comparison!!

  2. Vilka härliga buketter, är det hortensia?

  3. Hello sorry to intrude on best day of your life but absolutely dying for wedding pics!!!!!!!!suzann from Dublin still totally addicted... Even told husband today that cats compilation was getting married!!!!! U can imagine ! Love claridges! Best of luck!!!!!!!!

  4. Anon - yes its fab> lets see how long they stay on now that we are on hols and I will be swimming a lot.. Will no doubt do it again for another do as you feel so glam :-)

    Prinsessan; Ja, visst ar dem harliga. Det ar mkt riktigt Hortensia.

    Suzann from Dublin; haha you make me laugh! Ur so sweet! Unfortunately we wont get the pics from the photographer until after our honeymoon. So busy packing and organising for trip but will try n post a few taken from our own camera at one point x
