Monday 7 November 2011

Broken collar bone

Bear took this sneaky sleeping pic of me and my brave little trooper in his sling, both knackered after hours spent at the Accident & Emergency yesterday 

My little poor baba broke his collar bone over the weekend. Nor Bear or I saw when he fell down the stairs, but I knew instantly that there was cause for concern and that he was properly injured, from the way he screamed out his pain, and at hospital they confirmed just that. 

Apparently the collar bone (nyckelben in Swedish) is the most frequently fractured bone in children and they are prone to break them because they don't completely harden until adult hood. Having said that, it's very hard to watch your child being in pain and to feel helpless. 

He will wear a sling for the next 3 weeks or so, and thankfully it should heal on its own with no specific therapy.  We will have to make sure he limits his activities but it's a seriously tough job trying to keep a three year old from playing. So far bribery is working well and he sits still in the sofa as long as he get's to play with the ipad :-)


  1. poor por sean. Hopefully this wont give him too much frustration as he wants to dash and race around. with love from his scottish relatives. xx

  2. Stackars liten! Kan tänka mig att det är det värsta som finns att se sitt barn verkligen skadat. Jag tycker det är jobbigt bara när Alfred ramlar och slår i huvudet och får en bula, men det här är ju mycket värre. Hoppas Sean kryar på sig fort!

  3. Our Scottish relatives; Thank you for your thoughts and lots of love back to you all xx

    Marie; Tack! Ja visst e det tufft da de sma gor sig illa. Och tyvarr lar det sakert inte vara sista gangen vi aker in pa akuten heller. Jag ar bara tacksam att det inte var varre.
    Lite kul tycker han ju dock att det ar nu att det ar med sin sling/stod runt armen, som han far stolt visa pa dagis :-)

  4. Stackars liten! Hoppas han kryar på sig snabbt!

  5. Stakkars lille prinsen.
    Masse god bedring sendes til han.
    Og klem til deg også, for det gjør veldig vondt i mamma hjertet også når barna skader seg.

  6. Nejmen stackars.. :-(

    Kommer ihåg när min lillebror bröt nyckelbenet när han ramlade ned för sängen när vi var yngre.

  7. Åh, stackars Sean, hoppas att han mår bättre snart och att han inte har så ont.

  8. Lady E; tack! Du har sa ratt, det gor ju ont i en mammas hjarta ocksa! Klem tillbaks!

    Jenny; ja det var verkligen stackars liten, men lite mindre nu nar presenterna fran svenska och skottska slakten borjat trilla in ;-)

    Hope; Tack rara du for din halsning!

  9. Nämen usch. Stackars, stackars er o speciellt lille Sean. En stor kram från mig!!

  10. hi Cat. Hoping your little patient isnt too frustrated and is still able to enjoy showing off this sling to full effect!
