Friday 4 November 2011

Happy Weekend!

I'm now off to meet my baby brother Erik.  I am taking him only around the corner from us, for Champagne Afternoon Tea at the lovely boutique hotel The Arch, to celebrate him turning 24 tomorrow - awww bless, so much younger than I (eleven years to be precise), but so much more focused and mature LOL!

Tomorrow evening we are invited to our friends' firework party and on Sunday we will be going to the Independent Schools Show, to try and find the best school possible for Sean.

Have a wonderful Friday and a fabulous weekend!



  1. Mmmm, det där ser så gott ut!

    Jag gillar förresten din kompis stövlar i inlägget nedan!

  2. Marie; mmm afternoon tea ar ju en riktig tjusning med England, nat som verkligen inte finns nagon annan stans, i samma utmarkelse :-)

    Ska vidarefora komplimangen till min kompis! Jag vet att hon blir sa glad!
    Kram xx

  3. Det där såg verkligen inte fel ut! Måste se till att boka in mig på en champagnebrunch snart igen =)

  4. Sofia; Det ar verkligen lyx! :-)
