Friday 25 November 2011


We are going to see Coldplay live at the O2 Arena in December!

... I wish… we had a seriously good top of the range coffee machine at home

... I feel.. excited about my brother Henrik who lives in Sweden and is coming to visit today for the weekend!

... I"ve been thinking... that it’s only 29 days until Christmas!!

... I have been… to for a morning run in Regents Park 

...I'm happy... that we were yesterday invited and have accepted a VIP corporate hospitality event to see Coldplay at the O2 Arena on 9th December

... I plan to... await a grocery delivery, hoover the flat, drop Sean off at nursery for 1pm, have a professional salon blowdry, go to Harley Street for a consultation re a chemical peel for pigmentation spots, get eyelash extension in an brow bar that I’ve never tried before and pop a bottle of bubbly open as soon as my brother arrives!

…currently enjoying… how Sean has now learnt both the English and Swedish alphabet in the space of two weeks, thanks to the ipad

…I am listening to… this

…I love… my new Cartier style panther bracelet

... I can’t believe… my son is turning THREE(!) on Sunday!

…l'm still laughing at... yesterdays episode of “Life’s too short” that I watched with Bear. Love Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant –  both comedy geniuses!

…I am grateful for… that my GP have finally taken my restless leg syndrome and sleeping problems seriously and have now prescribed proper sleeping tablets (as well as the RLS medication)

Darlings, have a wonderful Friday and a fabulous weekend!

Sean and I out and about yesterday 


  1. You look so chic all the time! Love the vest and the boots.

    Best regards,

  2. You look great! We will probably be living in London temporarily this spring. I will be working in the city and my man will be on parental leave with our little son. Do you have any recommendations regarding neighbourhoods? We would love to be close to parks and other nice places to walk with the stroller etc.

  3. Astridur; How nice of you to say that! :-)

    Karlaplanstos: Hmm.. difficult to be able to recommend area without knowing your budget, but since you will only live here temporarily I would say stay central and close to an underground station to enable you to easily commute to the city. We live in Marylebone and have both Regents Park and Hyde Park within 10 min and I can highly recommend this area. Sorry Im not much of help, but feel free to email me with more questions and Ill try my best to put you in the right direction.
    Kind rgds,

  4. Åh, spännande med kemisk peeling! Hur gick det? Vad använder dom for produkter? Och hur blev fransarna? :) Kram

  5. Annika; jag ska gora chemical peeling i januari tankte jag och jag vet inte vilka produkter d anvander, bara att det kallas chemical peeling 15%.
    Ogonfransarna var utav den billiga varianten (till skillnad fran mitt brollop da de satte in en frans at gangen - kostade ju ioforsig dubbelt sa mycket) och jag var inte alls nojd med resulatet sa jag ryckte bort dem haromdagen :-(

