Friday 9 December 2011

Urge to gamble & increased sexual desire!

I am currently taking new meds for my Restless Leg Syndrome, that is originally prescribed for patients with Parkinsson, and only today I noticed something peculiar on the info leaflet.  

Today I am on my fourth day on Requip Ropinrole for my RLS (the previous one I took for nearly 2 months called Gabapentin for epilepsy, didn't help at all), and so far I haven't yet seen any improvements, so for the first time I decided to have a look at the information leaflet to see if perhaps it takes a while for it to kick in. To my surprise I read the following (too good not to be shared!):

" Some people taking Requip have had a compulsive urge to gamble. If you or your family notice that you feel an unusual urge to gamble or increased sexual desire urges, talk to your doctor"

 Hubby - you have been warned! LOL


  1. Trevlig helg då! LOL

  2. Mmmmmm låter spännande. Min lill* i magen kanske får en till polare nästa sommar då:)

  3. Sara; weehee det ar antligen offentligt?! ska bli kul att folja de sista manaderna pa graviditetenx

  4. Catherine,

    Try drinking tonic water. My mother in law tried it and it worked for her.
