Wednesday 4 January 2012

Beautiful Berkshire

On our day trip to Berkshire, where we looked for potential houses for my Mum to buy, we stopped at the French Horn for a bite to eat (where incidentally Bear and I went to celebrate my birthday and to spend the night, just prior to me finding out I was pregnant) but was disappointed to find it was closed...

...So instead we ended up in a lot less posh place, an American diner where we had tasty burgers

We weren't successful finding the right place for Mum this time, but have all agreed on the beautiful area of Caversham and surroundings, for a house purchase, should she decide to do the big move to the UK.


  1. Hi Cat,

    I will be in London the last week-end in March (taking care of some wedding stuff ;)) and I was just wondering if you could reccomend any good affordable hotels?

    Best wishes and a happy new year,


  2. Vad kul att din mamma kanske ska flytta till England!
