Sunday 5 February 2012

Fabulous Friday!

On Friday I met up with my friend Andrea for lunch at Scott's, in the heart of Mayfair. We started off with a glass of champagne and a cheeky ciggie. Their outside heaters kept us warm and we shared a lot of giggles.
Pictures are not allowed in-doors as you are bound to see a celebrity there, but I managed this sneaky pic of my main course - gorgeous, griddled prawns. Non other than Matthew Williamson was sitting next to us.
Later we popped in to Fortnum and Mason for a little bit of shopping, and ended up in their wine bar for some more bubbly.

Several hours and glasses of champagne later, the driver that Andrea booked (who btw was a female- quite unusual - I really liked that) collected us to whisk us home to see our boys


  1. kul att du kikade in pa bloggen :)
    har du varit pa Novikov an? det ar absolut vart att kolla in stallet, iallafall sa att man har sett det... :)

  2. Supertrevlig fredag! Snygg kompis också, det livar alltid upp!

  3. Vilken underbart lyxig dag! Hoppas du mar bra! Kram, carin

  4. Underbart lyxigt, det är du värd! Hoppas allt är bra med dig!

  5. Chidde; alltid kul med fellow Swedes i London :-) Nej har inte varit an, men sa fort en busy mama finner tid over sa ska jag kolla in stallet! Tack an en gang for tipset - it's right up my street lol

    MilouK - hehe ja verkligen, du har sa ratt! Ska formedla komplimangen till min kompis omedelbart. Kram!

  6. Prinsessan; Tack gulliga du :-) Ja, jag forsoker glomma mina fysiska problem med lite champagne och underhallning, och mkt riktigt som du sager, det ar jag vard LOL.
    Stor Kram till dig. Hoppas London visiten var underbar, det verkade sa iallafall x

  7. Astridur; Yes! One must try and be fab, mustn't one?
