Monday 12 March 2012

Inside Info

Friday evening, prior to hitting the town!

Last song I added to my Spotify list... David Guetta's 'I can only imagine' (ft Chris Brown and Lil Wayne)

To wake myself up I.... don't need an alarm clock as my little man wakes almost on the dot at 6.30am every morning.

Last thing at night I...brush my teeth, take my make up off (if I'm not too tired that is), have a peak in to Sean's room to see if he's kicked off his duvet, and if so I tuck him in, check Twitter and kiss hubby good night

My perfect Sunday is ....together with Sean and Bear-  A brisk walk around the park, a leisurely lunch somewhere outside, and going to bed at 9pm with hubby, watching tv and turning lights off no later than 10pm

The last wedding I went to... at Lake Como in Italy

Last funeral I went to: Bear's mother, in Scotland

I'm currently reading: Only just started the last book of Stieg Larsson's trilogy

On Friday night...we came home at 4am(!) after China Tang at the Dorchester Hotel and a casino in Mayfair

On Saturday night I... shared garlic bread and a pizza with Bear and watched a double episode of American Idol

Before travelling to Courchevel on Wednesday, I plan to... get my nails done in the salon, have a haircut, pack for Sean and I, book appointment at doc to get anti-sickness tablets for Sean (for 90 min car journey from airport to the hotel and our rented apartment), make a shopping list for what food and wine to buy at grocery shop at Geneva airport

Looking forward to...celebrating my 36th birthday on Thursday, with Mum and my boys, drinking champagne on a mountain top restaurant with beautiful scenery and hopefully in the sunshine :-)

I actually had a spare pair of trousers in my handbag on Friday in case the casino wouldn't let me in with ripped jeans! (but to my surprise they did)


  1. Always fun with these lists! =)

    Thanks for your nice comment.

  2. Snygging! Förstår att casinot släppte in dig, du är ju hur snygg som helst! :)

  3. Sofia; yes me like :-)

    Hope: Tackar odmjukast!

    MilouK; A big big thank you!

    Marie; *Bockar och bugar* :-)

    FashionMom: Many thanks!
