Monday 24 June 2013

iPhone images - weekend recap

I "pimped" the sofa with some new black and white cushions

Hubby and I combined dinner and a play date at Anna & Petros'  - parents to Sean's good mate, Nicholas.

We had a delivery of this stunning piece furniture - a Yamaha U4 piano, as my brother no longer has space for it in his new flat. So far I've already taught Sean to play "Twinkle twinkle little star" :-)

Cocktail time at a local hostelry! Served in this beautiful crystal glass (must remember to buy a set for our home) as vodka, fresh lime juice, cucumber and ice 
Mummy's little helper, who always tags along to assist me in buying groceries at Waitrose
Food for thought: A beautiful message on a random shop window in Marylebone
"You're only here for a short visit.  Don't hurry, don't worry.  And be sure to smell the flowers along the way"

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