Friday 26 July 2013


12 weeks

 baby bump no 2, starting at the top with 12 weeks to 16 weeks at the bottom

Ladies and gentlemen, first off....I am currently 16 weeks pregnant (at the age of 37), and our baby is due early January 2014 :-)

Bear and I are simply over the moon, and  I am feeling so ready to give Sean a sibling now.  It’s just starting to hit me though that all the seats at our kitchen table will be used up soon :-)   The adjustment, now that Sean is so independent and sleeps well etc, will be an adventure no doubt, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for the sleepless nights (I don’t do those very well!), but boy I am feeling so happy and excited! 

The first trimester was very different to last time, and the early pregnancy symptoms (like fatigue and nausea) have been stronger the second time around. 

My waist has expanded very quickly and I started showing as early as 8 weeks and had to switch to elastic waistbands by week 10. I've experienced sharp headaches (I still get them daily) and food aversions. 

Some days though I have a truck driver's appetite and can suddenly feel hungry enough to polish off a whole pizza PLUS the garlic bread AND dessert! But having said that, I am completely overjoyed to be pregnant, and am already getting impatient to meet my little miracle baby and welcome it to this world xxx


  1. Congratulations to all of you! I have been awaiting the announcement and have been checking all recent pics for pregnancy baby belly!

  2. Wonderful! Congratulations dear Catarina =)

    Best regards,

  3. Vilka fantastiska nyheter!
    Grattis till hela familjen!

  4. Linda, Astridur, Miss Marie & Hope:

    - a humble and heartfelt thank you! I can't stop smiling!


  5. Ett jätte stort grattis. Vad glad jag blir!!! Försökte precis ringa dig, jag försöker igen senare i veckan. Stor kram till er alla.

  6. What wonderful news. Many congratulations. I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

  7. Stort, stort grattis! Barn no. 2 ä r lättare. Jo man ska ju inte generalisera. Men man vet att allt går över tröttheten, skrike, trotsen etc allt har ett slut. O så får man ju dubbelt av allt det goa också.
    Lyssnar på våra pojkar just nu som leker för fullt. Underbart.
    Stort grattis igen. Ska följa dig mer nytt intresse nu.

  8. Åh så roligt!! Stort grattis till er, hoppas att du får njuta resten av graviditeten nu!! Stor kram från Norge

  9. Och nu lyssnar jag på våra killar som bråkar för fullt...

  10. Londonswede, Inge, Louise Dock & Karlsebakken,

    Tackar sa hjartligt :-) Vi ar overlyckliga, och sjalvklart blir jag jatte glad av era kommentarer xx

  11. Grattis! Själv har jag två veckor kvar innan pojke nr 2 är ute.

  12. Susanne Snall:

    Tack sa mkt, och lycka till med den uppkommande forlossningen!

  13. Recovering Shopoholic:

    Tack sa jatte mycket for din kommentar :)
