Wednesday 4 September 2013

Progress report

Today I went for the 20 weeks anomaly scan. I took my Mum along, to share the experience with me. I was so thrilled when she arrived yesterday so she could come to this appointment :-) It took roughly 40 minutes and the sonographer examined the following:

  • eye sockets, the nose and checked for cleft lip
  • Our daughter's head shape and structure was looked at (severe brain problems would be visable at this stage), and the abdominal circumference and thigh bone was measured
  • The spine
  • The abdominal wall
  • Her heart, valves and the major veins and arteries that carry blood to and from her heart
  •  stomach
  •  kidneys (checked for TWO of them, and that urine is flowing freely to bladder)
  •  arms, legs, and together we counted all 10 fingers and 10 toes! 
  • We were also shown the bum and genitals (see pic below)

  • Gestational age: 21 weeks 4 days

    An excited but very nervous mama!

    Nothing beats the intense feeling you get when you see that little person on screen, that little life you created that is growing inside of you. I could just stare at this image for hours!

    Although the main purpose of the scan is to check that the baby is developing normally, they also confirmed the gender, and as this pic shows - it's very clear that we indeed are having a girl :-) 
    We left the Lindo Wing very happy with the knowledge everything is well with my baby girl - what more could one wish for?! 

    Strolling back home, along the Paddington Basin


    1. Men en sådan liten sötis som bor där inne.
      Härligt att allt ser bra ut.
      Och du är strålande vacker.
      Har följt er under er semetser och wow...vad härligt ni haft det.
      Stor kram till dig och magen!

    2. Modemamma; Tack sota du! Nu ska jag genast kika in hos er och se hur det star till med dig och magen :-) Manga kramar x

    3. Vad glad jag blir och lilla bebisen är så söt!
      Så fint att din mamma kunde vara med.
      Jag antar att Sean tycker att det är väldigt spännande nu när han ska få en lillasyster, han kommer att bli en jättebra storebror!
