Thursday 17 October 2013

Just another list..

Me and bump today during the morning school run.
I am still walking 4 kilometres daily ( it's 2k there and back, and then another 2k when I pick Sean up), but it's getting more of a struggles now with my big bump and pelvic pains

Home is: Marylebone, W1 - central London

Cant leave home without:  My handbag, phone, lipgloss and sunglasses (yes, you might have noticed I am wearing shades all year around! Simply because I have several scars on my right cornea after a serious eye infection abt 10 years ago, and that has left me very sensitive towards light)

Style icon: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Pregnancy issues: I've noticed I'm very clumsy now, have regular nosebleeds, and the pelvic girdle pain is getting worse by the day

Currently reading: 'Life After Death' with Damian Echols, and Tiffany's Christmas catalogue ;-)

Saving up for (and trying to justify buying): Macbook Air for my travels (and trips to coffee shops lol)

Guilty pleasure: MailOnline phone app

Wardrobe staples:  scarves throughout the year

At the moment I am... hormonal, so over being pregnant!

Nxt booked holiday abroad: Spring 2014: Skiing in Courchevel, France YAY!

Last time I cried: Yesterday.. I somehow lost my balance (my gravity is obviously changing a lot!), tripped and had a hard fall onto the pavement. Landed on my side though, and not the bump, but I worried sick for my baby and couldn't stop crying.
Called my obstetrician, who gratefully is on 24 hour call for me, and who reassured me that if I have no bleeding and she is kicking as normal, it should be fine *phew*

Latest song I tagged on Shazam : "Burn"

Thought for the day: It's only been 5 weeks since I saw my Mum, but it feels so much longer - THANK GOODNESS she's coming back this weekend!

Bugging me: new cellulite has appeared in places I don't even want to talk about!

Dead excited about: my new iPhone 5S in gold and white - it was love at first sight

Upcoming mini-break: On Saturday hubby and I are going away to stay the night at the stunning (Downton Abbey style) country house hotel, Cliveden, where our room has it's own log fire - sooo romantic 

Days remaining until due date: 86 - but she will be full term in 65 days (not that I'm counting or anything lol)

Ok well that's all for now... 


I will need to buy a new case to fit my iPhone 5S, but am yet to find one I like


  1. Marie; Awww, thanks a million :)

  2. Catharina, jag blev så orolig när jag läste att du hade ramlat, vad skönt att allt gick bra.
    Så härligt att du och din man ska åka bort och att din mamma kommer :-)
    Förstår att du känner dig klumpig men det syns inte, du är så snygg och vacker!
    Önskar dig en trevlig helg!

  3. Hope: tack for din omtanke, jag var ocksa jatte orolig till att borja med, men jag har inte haft nan blodning, samt att lilla flicke barnet fortsatter vara valdigt aktiv darinne, vilket ju ar valdigt reassuring :-)
    Sa gullig du ar, tack for dina komplimanger! Hoppas du ocksa far trevlig helg. Manga kramar!

  4. Ouch cat! Am so sorry to hear about your fall! Glad all is good though! Cliveden will help you relax, it's wonderful and the restaurant is great! Last but not least... Don't worry about the cellulite, it will all vanish once you give birth. You look amazing! Have fun on the weekend Filakia

  5. Viv: Thank you for your sympathy. Yeah I think I was more shocked than anything, and with all the hormones I simply couldnt stop crying for the whole day and everything seemed much worse than they really were. Doc insisted that baba is very cushioned in there which is reassuring when you hear it from a professional
    :-) Cliveden was indeed wonderful, dont know why we havent been before. Filakia to you and your boys
