Saturday 26 October 2013

Mum's visit so far

Erik's boyfriend John joined the gang for lunch at Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Canary Wharf
Strolling back home along the canal in Paddington, after an appointment at Lindo Wing

Picking up Sean from football; his after-school activity on Tuesdays

Outside the Royal Albert Hall before Erik's graduation ceremony.  Proud as a peacock for (unselfishly) pushing him to move to London to pursue his dream!

Mum enjoying a well deserved Irish coffee, in the warm and cosy atmosphere of The Grazing Goat, after shopping on a busy Oxford Street
 When my pelvic girdle pain is at it's worst and I'm bed-bound, Mum is a great help to me and does everything from cleaning, cooking, shopping and of course looking after her grandson :-)
Sometimes when you let a four year old take a picture - this is what happens (read:head chopped off!) lol

Our little prince getting a much needed trim at the regular hair salon 
Pretty as a picture in his new haircut - I love how his little face and beautiful features are more visible in shorter hair


  1. Du ser verkligen sådär "gravid-strålande" ut!!
    Tack för en bra blogg, som stillar mina London cravings lite :)

  2. Your mum always has such a wonderful smile. Hope you are keeping well

  3. Anna; Tusen tack - vilken uppmuntrande kommentar :-) Framforallt da jag for tillfallet ar saaaa trott pa att vara gravid, och kanner mig sa klumpig och tjock.
    Kram pa dig!

  4. Inge; How sweet :-) Mum says one never tire of compliments, no matter what age, and send her love to you :-)
