Saturday 9 November 2013

Bump @ 31 weeks - side view

Our baby girl now weighs about 1.6kg and measures roughly 42 cm in length

So what's new in terms of symptoms? 

Not much apart from I've noticed that she isn't moving around as much now, most likely because she's running out of space in my womb. I can literally feel how my organs are being squeezed, which explains why the heartburn is still raging on, getting worse by the day. 

Also, I get breathless very easily - stairs are such a killer, and my belly can at times tense up and become rock hard, which feels very awkward.

I am of course, trying to rest and put my feet up as much as I can, but today we're going to this upmarket baby show -  as I still have a long list of things to buy before she arrives!

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