Monday 30 December 2013

It's getting close..

Bump here @ 38 + 1 days
Yesterday Erik and boyfriend JJ came round and helped me setting up my new MacBook Air and syncing it with my Macbook Pro and we discussed our plans for NYE that we will all be celebrating together

It's so surreal, I am 38 weeks + 2 days- that is REALLY pregnant, isn't it?! LOL!

I know baba's room inside the womb is very limited now, but I still feel her wriggling around a fair bit, and sometimes its really quite painful! 

I can't get round the idea that her features are now fully formed - that's so amazing, but it has not yet hit home that I am actually having a baby GIRL, no matter how many pink clothes I buy! 

Feeling so impatient to meet her, and I keep thinking that every twinge is a sign of imminent labour. Also, the weirdest thing is that in the last week or so I've been craving beer - something that I would never drink normally!

With a maximum of 10 days left, it is getting so close, and now it is the waiting game.... Feels like an eternity though, when all I want is Scarlett Grace in my arms now, to snuggle, to feed, to smell and most of all to love 

I'm ready - B.R.I.N.G  I.T  O.N!

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