Thursday 2 January 2014

Reporting good news

Leaving Lindo Wing with the good news

On New Years Eve, I was examined fully and was very relieved to hear that my varicose veins are not posing a threat to rupture during a vaginal delivery.  My obstetrician Mr. Fernando then thankfully cancelled the elective c-section appointment and instead booked me in for an induction - in one week to be precise.

He also did an internal exam to check if my cervix had dilated, which it hadn't, however he confirmed that baby's head is low down.
If Scarlett Grace does not appear earlier, 11am on Thursday 9th January is when Bear and I will be going in with my hospital bag to Lindo Wing, where they will induce (start artificially) labour by various techniques. 


  1. Så skönt vännen!!
    Har kikat in här varje dag och tänkte nu föder hon...;)
    Väntar med spänning.
    All lycka!

  2. Oh hope all goes to plan, fingers crossed for you.
    Strangely, though I follow you on Bloglovin' I can't comment from there and have to type your addy in to leave my mark, hmm...

  3. Så härligt att allt ser bra ut. Och så spännande att se ifall hon pluppar fram innan eller inte ;) Du ser så vacker ut med din fina mage. Den passar dig men jag förstår att det kommer bli skönt när du snart blir av med den :P Lycka till!!!

  4. Johanna; Ja, beskedet var en sadan lattnad - kikar in lika ofta hos dig, du ar ju en vecka ahead, sa din bebis tittar nog ut fore min :-) Kramar!

    Hope: Ja verkligen, nu hoppas vi bara att inget gar fel under själva förlossningen, sa det blir kjesarsnitt anda. Man vet ju trots allt aldrig.. Kram Kram

  5. Tabitha - thank you :-) Hmmm.. not sure about Bloglovin. To be honest, I never use that site and don't know about settings and changing them if I tried to. However shld the problem remain, I must ask someone to help me with that. Thanks for highlighting it. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  6. Tant Anna; Hej, och tack for din snalla kommentar! Magen i all sin ara, men vill ha ut min bebis nu hehe! Alskade att vara gravid forra gangen, men second time around har det bara varit jobbigt...

    Ja det har med graviditet och barnafodsel ar alltid spannande och fascinerande, det marker man ju pa den okade blogg statistiken/besökare :-) Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg!
