Monday 24 February 2014

Six-week check up

Thank you uncle Erik for my 2 piece set from DKNY Baby :-)

On Friday I took Scarlett Grace to the doctor for a routine 6 week medical check, and the first thing she said to me was "Goodness me, she is tall!" LOL!

That was not the first time someone in the medical profession said that to me, so it came as no surprise to me that height wise, she is in the....drumroll.......99.6th centile!!!! She sure takes after her tall Daddy, and she measured 61 cm and weighed 4.95 kilos. 

I am due my post natal appointment with my obstetrician on Wednesday, where he will look at how I'm doing and how my c-section scar is healing.  More on that later, but now I'm off to do some kettlebell swings for the first time since being pregnant in the second trimester!


  1. Oj vad hon växer och hon är så söt!
    Hoppas att du mår bra.

  2. Hope; Tack for omtanken - jag mar bra, och njuter av att se mitt lilla flickebarn vaxa, aven om det trots allt gar lite for snabbt hehe
