Monday 3 March 2014

Inside Info

Dinner, drinks and dancing! Saturday night with dear friends at Gilgamesh

On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate my mood right now as: 9/10 as I ran three kilometres this morning without stopping, and it's such a great feeling of achievement :-)

...And it could only be improved by: food, a smile from my daughter

My favourite parts of my body are: boobies and legs

Bad habit I have: overanalysing things

How do I start the day: usually with a Nespresso coffee and a dash of cream together with a cheese omelette

Over the weekend I: went out with to Gilgamesh with good friends for dinner, drinks followed by a boogie until the small hours

My underwear drawer is full of: Spanx, all the way haha! (That however will change once I get back to my pre-preggo weight!)

I feel sexiest when: I have had an all over spray tan, in high heels and with salon-blowdried hair

I could never marry a guy who: have more beauty products than I!

Capturing Scarlett Grace's first smile 

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