Friday 11 April 2014

Inside Info..

1. I feel... so bloody happy and grateful - I know I've said it before but I'll say it again, my daughter C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E.S me!

2. This morning... Sean came to our bed and me and him spooned for like five minutes which is a long time for a 5 year old LOL! - supa dupa cosy :-)

3. So far today I have.. been to Boots and stocked up on baby stuff incl nappies and formula milk, helped Sean practise his piano homework, "hush little baby" (he's really improved and I'm so proud of him!), viewed a property for sale in Montague Square, and visited my friend Anna where I had a coffee and a catch up 

4. Fave tune right now.. "Waves" - Love this tune!!

5. Last night... I made a Thai inspired dish with minced pork served in lettuce cups for dinner 

6. Currently enjoying... the beautiful warm weather in London, and with that, my blush Spring coat that I've dusted off and brought out to wear

7. Thought of the day... I can't believe I have to start a new blog label (3-6 months) today, as Scarlett Grace is now three months old!

8. Last item of clothing I bought online.. a pair of ripped white denims - am yet to receive them, so watch this space! 

9. Plans for the rest of the day and this weekend: Later I'm popping down to Louis Vuitton's flagship store (beauty and perks of living in central London!) to hand in my wallet for repair (re-stitching), we're going out locally for dinner tonight, Apple store and Hamleys followed by lunch in town on Saturday and a leisurely Sunday at our country club 

Video of Sean playing "Yankee Doodle" on the piano in a concert arranged by his school a couple of weeks ago (and yes, that's me you hear cheering and whistling afterwards!)


  1. Such a gorgeous photo so precious. Have a fun weekend

  2. Thank you, Inge :-) Wishing you a good weekend too x
