Friday 13 June 2014

Happy Friday and a good weekend!

Hello Darlings,  how are you doing? Currently I'm feeling super perky and rather good! In the last couple of weeks I've been enjoying the beautiful weather in the capital with lot’s of park visits, I've bought an irresponsible amount of clothes (including a dress and shoes for an upcoming wedding next month), although to be fair - not only for myself but for hubby and the kids too! I’ve caught up on some sleep lately (by going to bed and turning the lights out at 10pm!), I have become hooked on this delicious PHD protein bar in Strawberry Cheesecake flavour, and I've started watching Swedish crime drama series, Arne Dahl on Netflix. 

Other random news: My back ache is finally getting better and I've started doing kettle bell swings again. Only 9kg at the moment but aiming for the 12kg soon! 

1          1. Thought for the day: Gratitude, gratitude and more gratitude! 
2. Song of the week: "Hey Now" by London Grammar  (this remix starts out nice and slow but takes a different turning somewhere btwn 2 and 3 minutes, and then gets a disco mixed with house-vibe - L.O.V.E!)
3. Word of the week: World Cup!
4. Drink of the moment: Pimms and Domaines OTT rose
5. Looking forward to: watching Dolly Parton live at the 02 stadium with my brother Erik in two weeks time
6. Currently annoyed by: the difficulty and struggle to shift the last of the pregnancy weight
7. Weekend plans: Viewing a property for sale off Wigmore Street tomorrow, and in the evening we're driving up to North London to Andrea and David's house for a barbecue and drinks in their garden, then watching England's first game in the World Cup (which doesn't start until 11pm, so we will be staying the night there!)

8. Last beauty product I bought: Dr. Organic's Snail Gel! 

Last but not least, some snaps from last Friday's dinner at Summerhouse

We always try to request the sofa table, so that Sean can lay down and sleep when he gets tired!

Frrrrrrrrozen Margarita on a hot Summer's day :-)

Lemon sole 
Chocolate brownie and vanilla ice cream

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