Tuesday 24 June 2014

Life lately

Because Sean's doing so well in school, as well as playing and learning his piano homework every week, I wanted to reward him.  And this toy, Transformers, he got to choose himself. Watch a video of him of when he first received it here
Blissfully snoozing on Daddy's lap on a deck chair in Regents Park

Scarlett Grace typically naps 2-3 times a day, but only between 10-25 minutes at a time

My friend Anna's older boy Nick is 7 months older than Sean, so there was always a gap in the development with them two.
But Christopher (above left) is only 11 days younger than Scarlett Grace, which is nice as we can watch them hit all the baby mile-stones at the same time.  
Anna (who lives only 5 mins walk from us) and I meet up at least once if not twice a week, for lunch, coffee and play-dates in various cafes, restaurants and parks around central London
Awww chubby baby thighs... (yeah mine too haha!) Scarlett Grace has grown in to a proper little chunky monkey!

Erik and John come over for quality time with the kids whenever they can. Last weekend they came by and took Sean out for a full day so Bear and I got some time alone with our daughter.

Here we've just arrived at Andrea and David's, popped open some bubbly and were about to watch England play in the World Cup, followed by a sleep-over

David is famous for barbecues, and as it was a beautiful Summer's evening we enjoyed it in their garden
Sean has become a real football fan since the World Cup started and really loves watching the games with Daddy, and loves to google the different countries taking part, and learning their capital cities and other info.
Munchkin still sleeps wonderfully well. We put her in one of her many grobags (love this concept of her in a sleeping bag that keeps her nice and snug instead of under a duvet that she most likely will kick off anyway) in her cot around 8pm-8.30pm and on average she sleeps 10/11 hours continuously, wakes up for a feed around 6.30/7am and then goes back to sleep again for an hour or so. 

Her motor skills are developing really well. At 5 months she reaches out for the milk bottle when I shake it, grabs it, puts it in her mouth and feeds herself (see video on my Twitter). She also loves to roll over from her back to her tummy, and pulling her socks off LOL!

Lunching with the family on Selfridges new roof top restaurant Q Grill - great food and fabulous views over the city.
These three particular individuals are simply my life, my world - gosh I love looking at this picture!

On Saturday evening after shopping for furniture all day, we swung by Hyde Park to check out the  Swedish Midsummer celebrations. My friends Sussie and Jenny got to meet Scarlett Grace for the first time and were cooing over her for a very long time :-)
Motherhood is a lot more relaxed and enjoyable the second time around! I would recommend everyone to have a go ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh everyone has grown up so much since I last dropped by. Glad your enjoying this great weather. Have a great summer
