Sunday 30 November 2014

Sean's birthday

On Thursday it was six years ago since that wonderful day (at the Lindo Wing, Paddington), when I gave birth to my first child, Sean

It just so happened that on the same day, Sean's school Christmas s play was held at a church in South Kensington 

Our little boy was a squirrel, hence the big brown furry hat he's wearing! 

Erik and John took the day off work and came along to watch the play and then we all headed off to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park..

..where he opened more pressies and went on lot's of fun rides. Bear had a beer and a frankfurter,

Scarlett Grace kept warm in her new, a little big LOL, puffer jacket

The uncles and I started off with Prosecco 

followed by mulled wine with a shot of rum in (compulsory me thinks lol!), and I was as happy as one can be, surrounded by my loves in the fab German Christmas funfair

Sean got in-line rollerblades from Erik and John, as well as duvet cover with One Direction on (he is currently obsessed with them!)

My friend of many many years, Ama, came and joined the party too! 
Fun times on the reverse bungee!
The chocolate pirate birthday cake (half eaten here in pic), courtesy of Marks & Spencer, was delicious and specially chosen by our little man

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