Monday 12 January 2015

Inside Info

1. New for this year.. I'm on day 12 of detoxing meaning no booze for nearly two weeks! Feels like a blooming life time, ha! 

2. This morning... I got both kids ready, left home at 8am on the dot, dropped Sean off, walked to Oxford Street and stopped by at Crussh for a "bulletproof" coffee then popped in to Primark Marble Arch before the crowds got there

Bargain buy - today I bought thick black cable knit leggings on sale for Scarlett Grace for £1(!) with a black white stripey matching top for £3.00 - courtesy of Primark

3. Hooked on currently: Sons of Anarchy season 6

4. Fave tune right now..  I can't get enough of this song! Have tweeted about this uber cool London girl group before, and now here's a new release - a real hit if you ask me!

5. Last night... Erik and John came around and celebrated Scarlett Grace's 1st birthday with the cutest  pair of trainers 
Infant Nike trainers in hot pink 

6. Spending a lot of time online recently... on researching hip trendy restaurants and bars in Manhattan

7. Thought of the day... The importance of the consistency in writing 5 things in my gratitude book every morning - I't a simple and quick task that has so many mental benefits 

8. Fashion trend I've observed lately and now follow;  the colour grey, in various shades .  This is new to me, I have never really bought anything that colour before!

New and noteworthy: Grey suede trainers and grey/silver fur gilet

9. Upcoming holiday: New York babay! (in less than four weeks)

Peninsula, all booked and confirm - New York here we come!


  1. Jag vill inte spoila slutet på säsong 6 på SoA MEN, hör av dig när du sett det. Underbart med NY!

  2. Susanne; Sure thing! Aaaah sa spannande!!! Ja, NY kommer bli fantastiskt, flera ar sedan vi var dar :-) Kram pa dig!
