Friday 13 February 2015

Birthday celebrations - our week in NYC

Ready for take off Sir?

Touchdown - we have arrived in the Big Apple and the sun was shining :-)

Step on it driver - Manhattan here we come! 

Pre dinner drinkies at roof top bar at The Peninsula Hotel on 5th Avenue

Dinner on Friday night at Manhattan's top spot Beautique
After dinner we moved in to the club area where we partied in to the wee small hours

Popcorn? check  Drinks? check   - our first trip to Madison Square Garden
Shaky selfie - too many pre-game beers LOL!
Go Knicks! (they lost..)
Lounge area of our Sky Suite  (a massive 850 sq ft) 
New York Public Library - beautiful building although we didnt actually go inside haha

Spot the Chrysler building in the background 

Sunset from the bedroom window

Getting ready to go out

 Dressed up for a night on the town..

 On the obligatory NYC shopping trip - credit cards were well and truly flexed!

Dinner at reputedly Manhattan's best steak house STK 
 More shopping? This time in the cool West Village area

A rainy day in New York, but it sure didn't dampen our spirits! 

Bear celebrated his birthday with presents in bed followed by Champagne and strawberries with chocolate

 Dining at Buddkan with our cool New York friend, Echo

 Happy Birthday Darling!

American breakfast at The Brooklyn Diner 

Bear had been shopping at the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue - and here is Central Park in the background
Beautiful fireplace to warm us up from the sub zero temperatures outside 

 Another glass of bubbly? Dont mind if I do..
Although missing the kids (that my wonderful Mum looked after), it was so great to have a child free holiday - almost like a second honeymoon! 
Pre dinner drinks at Bar 44 at The Royalton Hotel with Bear's friends Sachin & Mariyah who live in NYC

On the 'big day' - Lunch at Cipriani in Soho

On my third bowl of delicious granola

 Bear and Echo 
Enjoying champagne on ice in our room 

Did I mention I Heart NYC?!!
Time to check out after 6 nights (boo hoo!) - here at the reception at the art deco lobby

Even though it wasn't a night flight, we both managed a few hours sleep coming back 


  1. Det ser onekligen ut som om ni har haft en fantastisk semester! Fina bilder som får mig att längta till New York, har inte varit där sedan tonåren men det var ju inte så längesedan ;-)

  2. Hope: Ah du maste aka dit med mannen! Vi hade en "andra smekmanad" utan barnen, helt fantastiskt xx
