Sunday 19 April 2015

Friday lunch

On Friday afternoon Sean and I met up with Gerry at Orrery for what turned out to be a three(!) hour lazy lunch

Love her leather biker jacket? Yeah me too!

We had bubbles and a two course meal on the sunny terrace in the heart of Marylebone


  1. I love reading your blog Catharina because I have a big crush on London... It's also a big plus that the blogger is so glamorous =) I'm very envious of the weather in London, here in Iceland summer seems to be light years away.

    And yes, love the blue jacket!

  2. Astridur, thank you your such a sweetheart almost making me blush reading your comment. But to be fair, my blog probably seem a lot more glam that real life lol. And btw your english is faultless, I'm impressed! Shame my Icelandic isn't that great, but have said that I do peak in regularly looking at your pics. Warm wishes
