Tuesday 12 May 2015

16 months old

Yesterday's pics from the playground, where she's eating carrot and cauliflower sticks 

My little Madam turned 16 months yesterday! At this age it's very clear that she understands most of what I say, even if her own conversation still relies on gibberish. 

So far she can only say "Mamma" "Pappa", and "Bye Bye". I am very persistent with speaking only Swedish to her, like I was with Sean (which has resulted in Sean being fluent in Swedish and answering me back in Swedish too), hence the delay in her starting to speak, as she hears two languages daily.

She shows a lot of affection with hugs and kisses, does not want to sit still for more than a minute at a time, and climbs absolutely everywhere (all our furniture around the apartment presents another climbing opportunity for her!).

Very different indeed from her brother at that age. After lots of accidents at home as she tests boundaries, and the constant "No's" "don't do this", "don't to that" from me, we finally agreed on putting her in nursery part-time. A nearby Montessori that she totally loves, and gets upset when I pick her up from there as she wants to stay longer! What a girl :)

1 comment:

  1. Oj så hon växer och vad gullig hon ser ut i sina små söta kläder. Hade du också så fina korkskruvslockar när du var barn? Jätteroligt att lilla Scarlett Grace trivs så bra in nursery :)
    Kram kram
