Thursday 2 July 2015

Go Daddy!

Just got back from cheering on Bear and his team, as they did the annual Citywire 10k charity run (raising money for a  a wonderful organisation that is a children's hospice). We were proud to say the least, and we celebrated their sporting achievements over snacks and drinks in Regents Park.


  1. Väldigt fint ändamål, blir gråtfärdig när jag tänker på alla sjuka barn men också tacksam över mitt liv.
    Hoppas att ni får en fin helg!

  2. Hope: Ja, det ar en bra paminnelse om hur vi ska vara tacksamma over vara liv. Dessa barnen i den har organisationen ar ju inte bara sjuka, utan terminally ill! :-( Var radd om dig, och ha en fortsatt trevlig helg. Kram kram
