Monday 16 November 2015

Inside Info

Ladies in red, on the Chiltern line from Marylebone directly to Amersham

1. Big news … My mother arrived on Saturday (with a one way ticket!) and is now officially living in the UK.

2. Been thinking… It’s so blooming warm in London for November :-)

3. I’m feeling … happy, content and so grateful for everything in my life at the moment

4. Currently enjoying... watching my daughter learning new words daily, prepping for Xmas, wearing cosy cashmere bed socks, Starbucks’ new festive red cups and their gingerbread lattes.

5. Things I plan to do this week... go to see the Marylebone Christmas Lights being switched on (by Sophie Dahl) on Wednesday, and have mulled wine at the Swedish Christmas fair in the Swedish church Marylebone.

6. Last week... I had brunch with Andrea in Cecconi’s.

Bubbles for brunch at Cecconi's Mayfair
7. Currently listening to... this brand new tune by Coldplay – simply can’t get enough of it.

8. Can’t believe… my son is turning SEVEN next Friday!

9. Yesterday.. Mum and I went to her flat in Amersham and spent hours cleaning in preparation for the removal van (with all of her furniture) that’s coming in a couple of weeks.

After our hard work getting the flat ship shape, we took a well earned break at a local watering hole 

10. Spent too much time online lately... watching final season (3) of the U.S. TV series “In Treatment" - an intriguing and very interesting drama which gives a real insight into psychotherapy and every episode is an individual patients' session. 

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