Thursday 28 July 2016

Back to business

Hello yellow ;-)
At only 2.5 yrs old, Munchie deserved a little treat after going to the toilet and doing a No 2 (hurrah!) by herself  
Sticker for bravery from the dentist this morning
So this was the second child-free break this year. Back in March we also jetted off to The Big Apple. 
Before December last year (when Mum relocated over here permanently) this was simply not possible. But now within the space of 7 months we've enjoyed a long city break in New York to celebrate my big 4-0, plus a few romantic nights in Croatia. I think it's a win win situation for everyone! 

The adults only holiday actually already start at the very moment you drop the kiddies off at Grandma’s front door, wave a cheery goodbye, and leg it towards the airport. 
Those who are parents of small children must know very well that the queuing for airport security can be a very thrilling and beautiful experience without a toddler who has a tantrum. 
Also, when you make it through to the other side, you can browse WH Smith (and all the other shops for that matter, that you've always wanted to visit but couldn't, as you were pulling a Trunki Gruffalo suitcase with a child on top using one hand, and pushing a travel pram with the other!) in the departures lounge at your own leisure, and buy a magazine that doesn’t include any puzzle books, sticker or superheroes LOL! And don't get me started on the travel cots and trying to manoeuvre pushchairs in the sand! 

However, having said all that, the second best thing about a child free holiday is coming back to the children!! 
Bear and I already started gushing in the cab home from airport about how lovely our kids are, how much we've missed them and how we can't wait to get back and have them naturally run up to us for kisses and cuddles! 

Well it's our first full day back today and it's business as usual haha! A dentist appointment and a visit at the hairdresser with Sean this morning followed by a couple of hours in the playground with both of them, then cleaning up a messy bathroom as we're in the process of potty training Scarlett Grace - Aw it's good to be back and be a full time Mum again!

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