Sunday 15 January 2017

Three years on planet earth

As it’s become our annual tradition, we all went to the Japanese sushi & steakhouse Benihana in Mayfair last week, to celebrate Scarlett Grace’s 3rd birthday. 

It such great fun watching the super skilled chefs performing their tricks and magic whilst cooking up our delicious food right in front of us. Afterwards we strolled over to Picadilly Circus and visited the weird and wonderful exhibition “Believe it Or Not” , which the kids, well mainly Sean, loved. 

A lot of three year old girls love to dress up and Scarlett Grace is certainly no exception. As you can see above, she changed in to four different outfits on the same day, and the pink sparkly handbag was her favourite birthday pressie (£5 from Primark!). 

My little one is becoming more independent, almost every day. She only uses nappies during night time, and she is able to put on most of her clothes, though her fashion sense is different to mine LOL!

Scarlett Grace is already holding her own in conversations and has developed social skills and knows how to take turns or join in with others.  Although she'll soon be saying goodbye to toddlerhood, she’s a feisty little madam and life certainly won't be boring with her around.

My little baby girl is growing up so fast, and I need to remember to appreciate every minute of this phase ๐Ÿ’“

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