Friday 21 September 2018

Run for your life!

Just before Ibiza I decided to take up running again (after a 2 year break). So far I've been out  6-7 times, most recently today. It's been pretty tough I must admit, far worse than I remember, with my chest on fire and very heavy breathing! 

Hoping it's gonna get easier very soon, but I'm definitely less fit these days and carry at least 2 kg more than back then, so let's watch this space. I'm only managing 3 kilometres without stopping, so it's not very impressive. The realistic goal I've set myself is 5k. 

Have to post scenes from the gorgeous early morning runs here in central London and Regents Park. I usually go out 7am when only a few intrepid joggers are out and very little traffic - so serene, and best time to be out there working up a sweat!


  1. Hallå igen! Vad kul att det äntligen gick att kommentera:) Jag mår toppen, du också ser det ut som? Imponerande att du har tagit upp löpträningen igen. Jag har också funderat på att börja springa, har inte sprungit sedan jag var ung och tränade friidrott.
    Och det är väääldigt längesen jag var ung hehe. Min man reser till London en vecka, närmare bestämt Richmond och han tjatar om hur härligt det ska bli att springa i Richmond Park. Jag är så himla avundsjuk, tycker att det är så mysigt där. Även fast det inte har fungerat att kommentera så har jag följt dig och din familj med stort nöje som vanligt kära Catharina, herregud vad barnen växer fort! Ha det så bra nu och trevlig helg.
    Många kramar

  2. Three kilometres without stopping sounds pretty good to me! I did a couple of running clinics a few years ago (having never run before) and ended up doing a 5 km, which I was very proud of. I haven't run since, but I do still go to the gym. I often think about starting up again - maybe in the spring I'll join the running clinic again; it's a run-walk and you gradually over the weeks work up to more running than walking. (If you are interested I can send you the breakdown, what we did each week, 3 times a week for 8 weeks.) Good luck as you continue with it!

  3. Hope, sa glad nar jag sag ditt namn - taaaaack for din kommentar! Sa bra att du mar toppen, och mannen din kommer ha det harligt, det ar underbart vader i London hela veckan. Stor kram, good to have you back ;-) ��

  4. Patricia - Thank you. And yes pls, send me the breakdown would love to see it. All the best, C

  5. Hi Catharina, I couldn't find any other way to contact you, so I will list the running clinic here - apologies, it will be quite long, you don't need to publish it if you don't want to!
    Each run starts with a 5 minute brisk walk to warm up and ends with cooling and stretching. Our runs were on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I'll use that as the example. I'll be writing the minutes run:minutes walked, eg 2:1 x 6 (number of repeats). These runs were with the group, and we did one run on our own at the weekend. Ok, here goes!
    Week 1, Tues 2:1 x 7, Thurs 3:1 x 6, weekend 3:1 x 7
    Week 2, Tues 4:1 x 4, Thurs 4:1 x 5, weekend 4"1 x 6
    Week 3, Tues 5:1 x 3, Thurs Hills x 2 (we chose a local road going up a steep hill and ran up, jogged slowly down. I don't remember how far it was. For some reason I have no weekend run here, you might repeat Tuesday's run or add one repeat.
    Week 4, Tues 5:1 x 4, Thurs walk 5 min., run 3 km, walk 5 min.Weekend walk 5 min. run 3.5 km doing 10:1
    Week 5, Tues 6:1 x 4, Thurs Hills x 4, weekend 3.5 km at 10:1, slow and comfortable
    Week 6, Tues 7:1 x 3, Thurs 3.5 km no walking (just warm up and cool down walks)
    Week 7, Tues 9:1 x 3, Thurs 9:1 x 4, weekend 4.5 km at 10:1, slow and comfortable
    Week 8, Tues 10:1 x 3, Thurs - no note, same as Tuesday? Weekend 5 km at 10:1
    After the clinics I did a 5 km race at 10:1 and did it in about 34 minutes, which I thought was pretty good!😊 I think this is a very good way to do things, especially if you haven't run for a while (there is also a Learn to Run clinic which goes at a much slower pace, but you are already a runner). I have also tried the NHS Couch to 5k, but I found that it went much too fast; which this clinic the progress is much more gradual and I think it works. Happy running!

  6. This Patricia is so helpful - huge thanks! And yes, happy running yay! XO
