Tuesday 3 November 2020

Life lately

Marylebone Highstreet on a Sunday morning 

Duke of Wellington our fave local pub finally sorted out the premises licence with the council and opened up after 4 years closure 

I purchased a new addition to my Chanel perfumes collection 

I had brunch at Marylebone Kitchen and it's new owners and ate the increasingly popular dish in London - Shakshuka - yum!

I visited my dear Anna in Mill Hill during Oct half term and dropped Sean there for a sleepover 

Lil man got a haircut in the super stylish Turkish barber's in Marylebone 

Lil man stepped up and adorably helped Scarlett Grace tying her school tie which its part of her uniform 

Scarlett Grace went to her weekly Saturday drama lesson at Sylvia Young

I got myself a new no touch tool- perfect for a germaphobe like I and especially during these Corona times - luv it!

I dressed up, well smart casual anyway lol in ripped jeans and a blazer, off to meet with Andrea in town...

... on Selfridges rooftop bar and restaurant

Where we had well earned drinks after a long shopping session

I got a new seasonal nail polish at the salon

and snapped this pic in Autumnal Camden after dropping kids at their holiday camp

And last but not least, we had our final meeting with the owners of our dream home, IN our dream home, and completed the deal - the most exciting news ever! whoop whoop! More on that next time x


  1. Ooh, great news Catharina! Real estate seems to be going crazy in this pandemic, even in our small town. Lots of luck for the move!

  2. Oh that’s fantastic news! Can’t wait to hear more about it. 😍

  3. Huset ser fantastiskt ut! Hoppas att ni mÄr bra hela familjen. Hurra hurra hurra hurraaaa för drömhuset!
    SÄ spÀnnande.
    Kram och trevlig helg Catharina❤️

  4. Huset ser ju helt fantastiskt ut! Grattis och HURRA HURRA HURRA HURRAAA :)
    Ska bli spÀnnande att fÄ höra mer, jag Àr sÄ glad och nyfiken. Hoppas att ni mÄr bra hela familjen.
    Kram och trevlig helg Catharina❤️

  5. Patricia: Thank you very much, exciting times ahead! x
