Tuesday 29 December 2020

A Corona Christmas - testing positive for Covid

This Christmas was certainly not an ordinary one. Bear and I tested positive for Covid -19 and have been self isolating the last 10 days. 
Kids have thankfully showed no symptoms (pretty much me neither for that matter), but Bear is still certainly not 100%, two weeks after he fist started feeling unwell. He has mainly had a cough, fatigue and pain in his limbs. 

Im so grateful we found out just in time before we had plans to have my vulnerable Mum over, and instead we had a Zoom Christmas where we connected for hours on end with her and the rest of the family, and I think it's better to see this scenario as an unexpected positiv. Now we're just waiting for her to get the vaccine so we can all relax and exhale. It's been a tough year for her not seeing her grandkids etc!

Today NHS' Track and Trace service called and said we're allowed out now whoop! Starbucks is first on the list, then a long brisk walk around Regents Park.  


My brother Erik who is a respiratory doctor and works on the Covid ward has had his first jab of the vaccine and is waiting for the second and last one which follows 21 days later, so watch this space. 



  1. Så skönt att höra att ni mår bättre.
    Tänker på er.

  2. Hi Catharina, sorry to hear that you and your hubby tested positive, and that he has been sick. I hope that he has recovered well - it must have been very scary. You are indeed so lucky that you found out before you saw your mum for Christmas.

    Wishing you and the whole family all the best for the New Year - especially your brother on the front lines.

  3. Hope:
    Tack for omtanken kara du och hoppas du far en fin start pa det nya aret. Kramar ❤️

  4. Patricia

    Thank you for your concern, thankfully Bear is on the road to recovery but it's been pretty slow! And yes it was a blessing to get results back just as we were about to drive to mum's and collect her for xmas eve. Back then Alan didn't really have much symptoms but my doctor brother insisted he got tested. Phew! My mum would really struggle from covid we think, with all her underlying health issues, so to say we are grateful is an understatement!
    Best wishes for a healthy new year! Stay safe xx

  5. Hej Catharina, skönt att ni är friska. Ville bara säga att din hörna här på internet är väldigt härlig att hänga i nu när London-suget är stort och en drömmer om flärd, vinluncher och ljusare tider. :) Funderar också på hur ditt hår alltid är så snyggt! Goals! :)
    Ta hand om er!

  6. Just ja, blev så nyfiken på hur du och din man träffades om du tycker det känns kul att dela. :) / Jo

  7. Jo; Halla dar tjejen! Tack for din kommentar, vad kul att du uppskattar bloggen och Londonbilderna. Ang håret sa ar min basta kompis hairdresser och jag far det professionally fönat av henne regelbundet (friends & family discount) vilket gör att det ser glansigt ut samt att jag endast tvättar det en gang i veckan. Utan en salon blowdry ar mitt har ganska risigt och dessutom lite lockigt.

    Mannen och jag traffades pa en online dating site, Match.com for 13 ar sedan (vilket var väldigt ovanligt pa den tiden, och ganska tabu!) Aret efter fick vi Sean och två ar senare gifte vi oss. Kram C

  8. Tack för svar! :)
    Supersnygg hår som sagt, skönt att kunna få proffsig hjälp på nära håll.
    Vilken fin historia, tack för att du delar den. Så mkt glädje i era bilder.
    Ta hand om dig! Kram
