Thursday 20 May 2021

I got the all clear!

 Happy bunny today as the result from my breast biopsy came and the lump turned out to be a simple lymph node (type B1) - meaning no cancer, yay! It's been a very long two week wait and I can finally exhale now.. 


  1. That's great news Cat! I was also thinking - you are so lucky that this happened at this stage of the pandemic. Last year you might have had a longer wait, and I'm sure the whole experience of going to the hospital etc. would have been quite scary. All the best, Patricia xxx

  2. Patricia, thank you for your comment.
    SUCH good news, I'v been a nervous wreck the last fourteen days and was even planning in my head what to tell the kids if it turned out to be cancerous - just awful!
    You're so right about the timing, I'm feeling v grateful it's all behind me now!
    Have a great weekend dear,

  3. Catharina, jag är så glad för din skull! Jag tänker ofta på dig och din familj. ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Hope; har helt missat din kommentar,forlat! Upptackte den endast nu- tack for omtanken kara du xx
