Sunday 26 October 2008

Entering week 38 today

Huge news today; Sean is today officially baked! :-) I am now carrying a full-term baby! If I was to go into labour today, all systems would be go. Woohoo! It means that I could literally give birth at any given moment and Sean would not be considered premature. It's a terrifying, exciting and overwhelming concept, all rolled into one...

According to the ladies at the Prepare4Birth course yesterday, most pregnancies on average lasts 41 weeks which was a bit disappointing to hear.. as I of course am hoping he will come early. I'm starting to get fed up with this pregnancy now (mostly the endless toilet visits and the lack of sleep) and I am ready to welcome him to this world now - so c'mon Stork! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    Nu får han snart komma tycker jag, vi har väntat länge nog:)!!

    Håller tummarna för att all går bra och vi andra väntar spänt på att få träffa det lilla miraklet.

    sköt om er gumman!

