Monday 27 October 2008

Last minute learning

Goodies I bought at the Scandinavian Kitchen on Saturday

The "Prepare 4 Birth" course on Saturday was excellent and really lived up to our expectations. There were two other couples (one Swedish/English and one Greek/German), who were really nice and, like us, eager to learn.

We spent the full day learning lots of techniques and tips to help us with the birth process including various massages, a very useful contraction exercise, how to breath when in pain, how to push using the right muscles (to try and avoid tearing), what Bear can do and say as a "coach" to reasure and support me, and relaxation etc.

I thoroughly recommend this course for anyone on this magical adventure called pregnancy. The ladies who ran it were truly fabulous, very experienced and we learned so much from them.

As an added bonus it was held at the Scandinavian Kitchen, which meant that we had a typical Swedish lunch (meatball sandwich with beetroot salad). Afterwards I bought some of my favourite Swedish foods from the grocery store area (see pic above).

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