Tuesday 25 November 2008

The end is near...

I was examined yesterday and it appears my cervix is 1 cm long, i.e. I am not qualified to be induced by doing the sweep which I originally wanted. That means that I'm left with only one option, when they use Prostaglandin vaginal gel. It is an artificial hormone; similar to the hormone your body produces to cause labour to start, and it softens the cervix and causes muscles of the womb to contract. Labour usually starts 6 to 12 hours after insertion of the gel but sometimes more than one dose may be necessary.

My consultant told me that I need an end in sight as it's draining me both mentally and physically and that we should book me in to the hospital for the induction if nothing has happened naturally before Thursday or Friday depending on when there is available space. He will call me today to confirm which of the two days. Ideally I do not want to be induced but on the other hand I just want it all to be over and meet my son, so to know now that by Sunday the latest, I will be a mother, is such a relief.

I'm attaching pictures below from yesterday afternoon when mum and I went to town for some shopping.

Strolling along Shaftesbury Avenue, Picadilly; 41 weeks +2 days

Marylebone Underground Station

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