Monday 24 November 2008

False alarm... *big sigh*

The contractions that I felt this morning, new ones, which I haven't felt before, didn't take off the way I wanted them to. I still have these period-like pains, and maybe it's a sign that something is happening, even though it's a slow start.. Well I'm desperate to cling on to anything not to lose my hope.

I managed to go to sleep eventually with my electric heating pad placed on my back, and have slept until now. Guessing because I was so tense. It's a huge disappointment and I'm not sure how to deal with it all. I really had such big hopes but now I just feel depressed...We will carry on the reflexology today and then I've got my doctor's appointment at 5.30pm. Will be interesting to see what he says.. Bye for now and sorry for the false alarm...


  1. I thought you normally 'know' for sure once the water breaks, at least that's how the movies & tely's make it look like :)
    Annnnnnny day now! so, doctor's opinion is....? my doctors are also located on Harley St.! I love that place. Will miss going to see my doctors there.
    pous pous.

  2. Cat. keep your spirits up. I know it is disappointing and draining to feel that things arent progressing and moving but it really sounds like you are in the early stages. all that walking up / down stairs has probably helped. dont let your spirits go - your body is gearing up. rest whenever you can - any short bursts are good and energy boosting food will keep you going. x

  3. Kikar ju in har lite titt som tatt men ar verkligen dalig pa att skriva natt, sorry! Hoppas bebisen har tittat ut nu sa ni slipper ga runt och vanta langre! kram cia
