Monday 10 November 2008

Sweden's alcohol policy

The state-run monopoly Systembolaget is the only place in Sweden where you can buy alcohol. And the policy towards alcohol largely reflects Swedish society's attitude towards alcohol – hypocritical. Because Sweden has one of the strictest drink-driving limits in the world, however, it is fine to drive while talking on a mobile phone (which I'm sure must be as dangerous as being drunk) – but hey, talking is not a sin!

But it's really the strict hours and high tax that annoys me the most when I think of Systembolaget. For example; you are running late to dinner with your friends and you wish you could just run in to an off licence or a supermarket for a Merlot and… bam, you remember that it closes around 3pm on Saturdays, so unless part of the Sat rituals includes making a stop at the Systembolaget, you are basically out of luck. i.e. - you simply cannot be spontaneous about buying booze.

On the other hand, I can see some advantages of trying to reduce alcohol consumption and prolonging the drinking age to keep the youngsters healthy and all the rest. And the Swedish policy on alcohol has been very restrictive for years, and it's just something people have accepted it seems.
But for me, as a Swede living abroad and coming back to visit I can't help but thinking something is wrong when I see so many people switching to cheap and nasty stuff instead, imported cheap Polish beer and binge drinking on the Denmark or Finland ferry. And now with Christmas coming up, what happens if you haven't planned it properly and run out before Santa Claus have even turned up? Guessing that will help some family gatherings from ending in complete disaster during the festive season though...

1 comment:

  1. Jag tycker det fungerar bra med Systembolaget här hemma i Sverige.

    Priset vi får betala för att minska på alkoholkonsumtionen.

    Och faktiskt; många utlänningar som besöker blir imponerade av vinutbudet på Systembolaget. Bra priser och bra kvalitet. Nästan inga dåliga viner alls.

    Spriten är en annan femma. Där är ju skatterna så enorma i procentuella termer så en butelj ABSOLUT blott kostar ett par promille (sic); nåja; i alla fall bara ett par tiondelar nere i Tyskland mot priset här. Fast som sagt. För folkhälsan är det bra. Tänk om en flaska Absolut skulle kosta blott ett par tior (SEK) här hemma.
