Tuesday 11 November 2008

Waiting impatiently

39 weeks + 3 days and waiting impatiently..

What a difference a 24 hours makes! After yesterday's hideous weather in London, it can only get better today. Thankfully it's dry and quite mild at the mo, about 13 degrees.

I've been to my weekly doctor's appointment and all is good. Sean has still his head deep down and is not positioned back to back either which is good news.

Blood pressure and weight was all good and he keeps saying how well I'm doing. He also pointed out that this appointment could be our last, or if not, that next weeks appointment should be! Scary to think that, but I want nothing more than for Sean to come now. I don't think I've ever felt this ready before, although my mum keeps saying that he is waiting for her to arrive on Saturday! She is coming to stay with us for 6 weeks which makes me feel so privileged.

Gorgeous new fluffy gift to Sean from Susanna and Alfie


  1. Åh,guuud vad spännande!! :D Kollar in här varje dag för att följa dig och familjen. Lova att uppdatera så fort du kan sen, så man vet vad som hänt! :) Lycka till nu. Kram

  2. I want him to come now!! :)
    Har det hänt någonting??

